Icon pattern

This is a design for a hypothetical app for creating and saving characters for Dungeons and Dragons. While other apps of this type do exist, I don't think they are particularly attractive, and many of them are designed with the intent that users export the data and print it out as opposed to being optimized for mobile viewing.

This app is intended to work as a complete character sheet that was designed with a mobile experience in mind. It includes pages for information that were often not included in other apps. Rather than having to track spells or an inventory on a separate piece of paper, this app combines everything in one place for ease of use.

New Character
1 / 10
New Character Stats
2 / 10
3 / 10
Character Sheet: Attacks
4 / 10
Character Sheet: Abilities
5 / 10
Character Sheet: Proficiencies
6 / 10
Character Sheet: Spells
7 / 10
Character Sheet: Inventory
8 / 10
Character Sheet: Features
9 / 10
10 / 10
Character builder mockup

The design itself is inspired by 8-bit and rpg designs, and includes a pack of 25 icons that users can select from to represent each character. It's color coded and clearly partitioned to maximize readability while including a large amount of information.

The icon pack is inspired by RPG item design. They are designed to be readable at both small and large sizes and to have overlapping use for both character icons and weapon icons.


Purple worm theme


Medusa theme


Spider theme


Succubus theme